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Blog - JBM promotion

JBM Coffee in the 21st Century (and Promotion)

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Well established as the internet search engine user's choice since it came on the search engine scene late last century, Google has been the primary consideration for search engine optimizers working to feature or promote anything on the internet.  While Google's search algorithm changes daily, or on average about 400 to 700 times a year, Google has kept certain overarching goals the same for its programming.  So, to answer the perennial question, what does Google deem important to its searching public, one of the overarching tenets that seems to hold true with Google and how it prioritizes its search engine results has to do with how much user engagement and interest a web page's content holds for its viewers.

By content, I mean words or copy, as it's called in the marketing trade, pictures, video, and public commentary and review or ratings of this content.  As the first effort in a program of enhancing and extending Precious Provisions Food Import's web and social media content, we are publishing some videos and other content here on our website, as well as on our Google+ page, and Facebook page.

For those of you who will reply to, comment on, or contribute to this blog, or our Google+ or Facebook social media pages listed above or any picture, video, or copy on our website, we will email you a 15% off coupon code for purchases of JBM coffee on PreciousProvisions.com that will be valid for 60 days.  

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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